Monday, August 18, 2008

The Beaten Track

The track won't tell where the flowers are -
Or the river you'd pined to see...
Wrong you weren't, to take oft taken,
But in magic yet, to believe.

It wasn't the smile of the subtle moon
That made unspoken vows, all-
The elusive mirage had smiled upon
The moment you took your call.

The winds beckoned and you declined;
You thought you were finally home -
But hope, just hope do you carry now,
Along the track - alone.

As each day bids adieu, you do -
To the river there never was,
The sun that now will forever evade.
And no rain will mourn your loss,

So close your eyes my beaten lass -
With tears now bathe your locks,
The beaten track never did tell
That it owned pandora's box.